
Helpful Hints

Country Naturals - celebrating the simple life
Country Naturals - celebrating the simple life

Original articles, photos, and links for butterflies, knitting, gardening, home improvement, and much more.
Love Your Pet Expo - come join the fun
Love Your Pet Expo - Annual Pet-Friendly Event

Join the fun in-person or online. April 5, 2008, Shasta Fairgrounds, Anderdon, CA. Vendors and sponsors welcome.

If you have any general hints for needlecrafters, please share. Here is the start of my list:

bullet One of our kittens chewed on one of my circular needles, leaving rough places all along its length. I thought it was ruined, but I tried using fine-grained sandpaper on it. Now it's good as new.

bullet Tiny quantities of leftover yarn can be displayed in clear glass or plastic jars to decorate shelves. (This idea came from the KnittingHelp forum.)

bullet Can't find your tapestry needle? In a pinch, you can use any large-eyed sewing needle, backwards, to stitch up small knit/crochet projects. The only danger is stabbing yourself with the sharp end, so be careful. Another option is to use a small crochet hook.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Susan Molthop
All rights reserved