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Fun 4 The Money
Fun 4 The Money
Fun 4 The Money
Feb 15, 2005
"Earn. . .Spend. . .Save."
Vol. 1, Issue 1
Welcome to Fun 4 The Money. Join us and have fun while we earn, learn, spend, shop, and save money on the Internet. This emagazine offers articles, freebies, advertising opportunities, coupons, discounts, marketing tips, links, and a strong community where you can share your favorite sites, ideas, concerns, and questions. Susan Molthop, Publisher.

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Shabby Chic? Retro? Knitting Style

Freestyle *Linda Knitting
Country Naturals/Fun4TheMoney Exclusive
by Susan Molthop

This is the quickest, easiest, most fun knitting stitch I've ever used. It's perfect for flat projects using bold-colored, variagated yarn.

I've been teaching my neighbor how to knit. She did fine with cast-on, cast-off, knit, and purl. The problem came when she tried to follow a pattern. She complained that she ripped her work out so much, her yarn started to frizz, so she just gave up and kept going, coming as close to the pattern as she could.

I said she'd invented a new stitch--"Knit Some, Purl Some." We laughed about it, but I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Variagated yarn creates random colors, why not use "variagated" stitches to create random texture?

I had to try it--grabbed a ball of yarn and a set of needles and cast on. The result was pure fun! Linda Knitting lets you put your work down, then pick it up again without losing your place. You can relax and let your mind wander, carry on a conversation, wait for a Web page to load, or watch TV while you knit.

Linda Knitting goes FAST. The end product is reversible and it lies flat--perfect for hand towels, wash cloths, dish towels, dish cloths, shower mats, lap robes, and place mats. I haven't tried it on a sweater or afghan, but I imagine it would work on anything but ribbing. I'm starting a dog blanket, now. (I won't update this site with any more knitting stuff, but if you want to see how that project turns out, or submit your own Linda Knit projects, go to CountryNaturals and check back often.)

It doesn't matter what kind of yarn or what size needles you use, so you can pick any set of instructions, use their yarn and needle suggestions, use their number of stitches, and follow their instructions for increase, decrease, number of rows, etc., but substitute Linda Knitting for the actual stitch to use. What could be easier?

What's the best part of Linda Knitting? Just like the lady it's named after, everything you make will be unique.

The sample in the photo was done with standard worsted-weight yarn and size 8 needles. I cast on 17 stitches, then went right into freestyle Linda Knitting. If I had kept going, it would have made a cute scarf. Actual size is about 3 1/2" wide.


If you get tired of all this anti-pattern knitting, you can add a distinctive stripe by knitting 2 rows, then purling 2 rows. Then go back to Linda Knitting.

If you're concerned about "clumping" patterns and want a smoother stitch, throw in a row of seed stitch (knit one, purl one) every so often.

If you'd like your pattern to be more pronounced, echo each of your freestyle rows.


Row 1: k3, p4, k1,p3, k4
Row 2: p4, k3, p1, k4, p3

This looks complicated, but, in practice, you simply improvise a row, then knit your knits and purl your purls on the next row. The following row you improvise again, then mirror your improv on the next row.

Use large blocks of stitches for a bolder pattern. Use smaller groups of stitches for a more subtle pattern (but this takes longer because of all the "yarn overs").

If you've never improvised anything in your whole life, here are some instructions to get you started.

Row 1. Cast on any number of stitches plus 2. ;)
Row 2. *Knit some, purl some* repeat till end.
Row 3. *Knit a few, purl a few.* Repeat till end.
Row 4. SMILE!
Repeat rows 1-4 until you've had enough. Cast off and add some fringe (optional). DONE! <grin>

*Any resemblance to a real person is purely intentional. <Very Big Grin>


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