
ePP Writers' Markets

Updated May 15, 2005 (Newest links at the top of each category)




Paying Markets

Google Print
Free online book marketing from Google, with revenue-sharing from their targeted ads. All books must have ISBN. Online application required and will be reviewed.

Individual Markets
These are mostly "write for the Web" jobs. A few are print publications that accept online submissions. Very few are just guidelines pages for submitting by snail-mail.

Hint: Unless the guidelines state otherwise, writing for the Web is usually a slightly different technique from most print publications. Articles are shorter, cut right to the chase, and are laid out for skim-reading--lots of bullets, white space, short headings. Check out Web Writer's Checklist for pointers.

Online Directories of Writers' Markets
Keeping up on current writing markets is a full time job. Luckily, there are folks out there willing to do it. This section lists the best of them. There will be duplicates and dead links, but it still beats trying to do it yourself.

Non Paying Markets

Online No Pay Writing Markets
These are all handpicked links to the best of the nonpaying online writing markets. They all offer a byline, bio with a link to your site, and a permanent location for your article, so your resume won't develop link-rot when you list your online writing credits.

Hint: Unless the guidelines state otherwise, keep these short and sweet, with bullet points and topic headings. Most web readers want to skim-read.