> Pets

Dog Hints

Join Us For Love Your Pet Expo 2008

If you have a large, older dog that's developing arthritis, try glucosamine and chondroitin, and the BARF diet.

Katie's Luke was diagnosed with arthritis 4 years ago. The only thing that helped his pain was a drug that would also destroy his liver if he stayed on it too long. It seemed like Katie had 2 choices: have Luke put down or keep him on the drug that would kill him, slowly.

Someone told Katie about a holistic vet. She took Luke in for an examination. The diagnosis was the same as she got from the other vet, but the holistic treatment was the BARF diet plus glucosomine and chondroitin. Luke is now 10 years old and going strong. Not bad for a husky/lab mix.

Luke, the BARF diet poster boy.

Luke, with his pet duck, Mo.


Daily Dog News

Doggy Steps
