Secret Garden

Our property is split by a narrow road that leads to 7 other homes. On the other side are some old out-buildings. We didn't pay much attention to that area when bought the house or for several weeks after, while preoccupied with details like clean water and a septic system.

This is what it looked like when we moved in. Those are blackberries in bloom.
The trees in back are mostly Vine Maples.
What you can't see are the Morning Glories trying to conquer the world.


We mowed into the jungle to claim some space for a compost pile and butterfly garden.
While cutting back the berries, I discovered a fence. This was someone else's garden long ago.


Here is how it looks now--clean, but not very happy.
This area will soon be an 18'x32' butterfly garden, with the compost tucked away behind the blackberries.
