
Transplanting Wild Milkweed

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[Before you start diggning, be sure you have the right plant. Don't make my mistake and bring home a bunch of wild lettuce, then wonder why the monarchs aren't impressed. <blush>]


Transplanting Wild Milkweed:

Get small, young plants--they don't shock as easily and their taproots are shorted. Transplant like you would any other small plant. Just dig up the root ball, but be very careful of the taproot, which can be verrrry long.

Plant them in more sun than shade. They're easygoing about that, but butterflies like sun--they tend to avoid shady areas.

If you're after monarchs, plant your milkweed where it will be protected from wind. Plant it in large patches for easy visibility. Scattering it around in small clumps could make it difficult for the monarchs to find it unless you already have them in your garden. Also, when the caterpillars start feasting, your milkweed bed will not be very attractive, so it should be in some out-of-the-way corner, but not too far from your flower beds. If there's any chance of airborne pesticides from your neighbors, plant as far away from that nonsense as possible.

You'll need a lot of plants if you want monarchs. Those caterpillars are little eating machines Be sure to get all you'll need when collecting.

Milkweed Links:

Monarch Butterfly USA

Jim Hawkins' Butterfly Milkweed Photo Page

USDA Photo Gallery for Asclepias (Milkweed)

Wikipedia Listing for Milkweed

Texas Milkweed Photos

Google Images


Copyright (c) 2007 Susan Molthop
All rights reserved