A Christmas Secret

A Christmas Secret Chapter 6
By Susan Molthop

Copyright (c) 1998 by Susan Molthop







Sunday, Nicole tried Jason's idea. At breakfast she told Dad the joke about the penguins. He listened politely, and smiled when she finished. "Jason told me that one yesterday, honey. Now take your journal off the chair. You know it doesn't belong there."

Nicole blinked back tears, picked up her journal and ran out of the kitchen. She heard Dad yell, "Now what?" but closed her bedroom door before Mom answered him.


Monday, Dad worked late again. Nicole didn't have a chance to make him laugh, but it didn't matter. She was out of ideas.


Tuesday, Dad stayed home. Nobody wanted computer lessons on Christmas Eve. Mom closed the party shop early and got home in time for a late lunch. The family spent the afternoon getting ready for their traditional Christmas Eve dinner. Mom and Nicole made a centerpiece for the table. Dad and the boys fixed up a wreath for the front door.

"Nicole," Mom said, "you don't seem to be having much fun."

Nicole was twisting a piece of ribbon. She ruined it, but not on purpose. "Mom, why can't I make Dad laugh? He used to laugh at everything I said."

"That's because you were little and little kids say funny things. You're older now. He takes you more seriously, and that's good. Besides, you know Dad is having problems at work and isn't in much of a laughing mood these days."

"Yes, but you said that's why he should laugh even more than usual. You said laughing is good for people. He needs to laugh, doesn't he, Mom?"

"Yes, he does need to laugh -- but he also needs to relax, so, even if you don't make your Christmas deadline, no more crying fits like Sunday morning. You made him feel bad and it wasn't his fault."

Nicole put her head down so her mother couldn't see the tears she was trying to hide. This is the worst Christmas ever, she thought.


Copyright 1995-2007 Susan Molthop
All Rights Reserved

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