If you've always wanted a butterfly garden, but didn't know where to start, please follow along. I will be sharing this experience on FB and Twitter, too. This is not just fun and games, either. THE MONARCHS NEED OUR HELP.
I'm starting with pipevine, a host plant for the Pipevine Swallowtail. We transplanted it from our old place. It is not very happy right now. Today I'm going to plant it in the ground near the birdbath and I want to find a way to make a sipping pond, there, for the butterflies. Wish me luck!
I will still continue to do fundraising for the Love Your Pet Expo Sanctuary for Special Needs Animals. Here is our latest project.
The following "Special Sponsors" support the Love Your Pet Expo Sanctuary by actively and generously participating in our online fundraising events. If you have a business or cause you would like to publicize online, please take a look at this offer.